Delivering Results for Ria’s, Wirehouse, Regional, And Independent Broker-Dealers
The Transition Process
If you have never made a move, or your last move was a long time ago, it’s important to be prepared and understand how the process works today. Being prepared before and after the meetings will help you move through the process much easier and help you go in the right direction.
You will be able to get a better feel for the new firm and the managers you could potentially be working with for years to come. We will help you navigate through the process in order to ensure that you end-up at the firm that best fits your desired needs and goals.
Before the Meeting:
- We will make sure you know all the details about the players at your meeting. We know their likes and dislikes, how they think, even how they interview, so we can help you avoid the sand traps and land mines.
- To the best of our ability, we make sure that the meeting location will be the right setting for conversation. We will make sure you know where you’re going. You just need to be there on time.
- The first impression will either open the door, or close it. We guide you as to the customs and culture of your prospective partner or manager.
- Check out the firm and office websites. Most likely there will be a picture of the manager displayed, so you will know who you are meeting with.
- We will help you prepare a list of questions that are important to you, your clients, and your family. You will have our knowledge of the interviewer and the firm’s culture to help you look extra-prepared.
At the Meeting:
- Get to know the manager and allow him/her to get to know you. He is interviewing you just as much as you are interviewing them. Relax, be yourself, and enjoy the meeting.
- Offer examples of how you have successfully grown your business and how you plan to grow your business in the future.
- Allow us to negotiate for you. Your first meeting is not the time to discuss deals. Experience proves that we always get the better deal, and with no residual hard feelings down the road.
- Find out what the process would be like if you’re interested in moving forward. What are the next steps?
- Exchange business cards and personal cell phone numbers and email addresses.
After the Meeting:
- Send a Thank You note or email to the principle(s) at your meeting.
- Let us assist you in preparing a list of potential follow-up questions that can be emailed to the manager. This will help move the process forward in a much more efficient manner.
- Most importantly, debrief us on the meeting results, and allow us to follow-up with the manager. Call us immediately following the meeting while your thoughts are still fresh.
Want to learn more about the important questions to ask your potential new employer? Contact us today to recieve our special questionnaire:
“Important Questions Advisors Should Ask Potential Firms”
Our customized document contains questions that our advisor clients should be asking prospective new firms. It will ensure you leave no stone unturned.
Schedule a confidential consultation